Nicholas Horner and String Sound – ALMOST HOME – CD


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What happens when two rock’n’roll kids from central PA get mixed up in the world of jazz, fall in love with the luscious harmonies and melodies of 20th century classical music, and dig back into their country roots? It comes out something like this.

Almost Home is a momentary glimpse into the lives of two young musicians exploring music from miles apart and coming together in the spirit of friendship and creative exploration.

With compositions ranging from ‘Grace’, Nick’s first love ballad, ‘Anthony Wilson Day’, Luke’s first composition for this band, to arrangements of Radiohead’s ‘Creep’ and off-the-wall settings of ‘Seven Seas’, a melody Nick found scribbled on the back of an early music theory binder (who knows when he first drafted the idea!).  This music represents an emotional and compositional bookmark unlike any other.